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The Winter Rain.

“The faded colors of life, the dim beams of light, strange is to see, the drenched world with liquid eyes” It was a winter rain… She...

Friday, February 1, 2013

A sense of separation.

We both had it, dwelling in our head; It was evident in our behaviour- A sense of separation. It was my decision, to which she agreed with a guilt, of a fault she didn't know of. There was none.
"I cannot believe that we won't be talking anymore." she said half laughingly. May be she was afraid. I was important to her.
"That was the plan." I said maintaining a firm tone. " That I will leave, before you realize." I smiled with a heavy heart.
We sat quiet. She had this mind that used to cease at a single point, when given stress upon. She wanted everything to get normal, like it always happened after our brief disagreements.
We talked about meaningless things. Like, what will be missed. How she will never forget me... And will make use of every chance to get back to me. I asked her about that gift she was to give to me- a journal, leather bound, with something written by her on the last page. She said she will buy it from her first salary. We talked- like we were talking for the last time. We were, we realized.
I gave her the dress she once said she liked, when we were window shopping at Rajpur road. She loved dresses. She brought some food for me that she cooked herself, in earliest part of the day. I used to keep asking her to cook something for me someday,when during our telephonic conversations she used to tell that she cooked this and that.
After a while, she left with her boyfriend. We gave an awkward hug to each other that sealed our act of separation.
She called, while I was boarding the bus to leave Dehradun. I didn't answer. She messaged "How was the food?" I didn't reply. It was delicious.
We were best friends, wanting to be the same forever; till I felt otherwise.

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